2220 Arts + Archives | June 11-13, 2023 | Los Angeles, CA
*Made possible by a grant from the German Consulate General
Buffer Fringe Festival | October 5, 2023 | Nicosia, Cyprus
*Made possible by a grant from the US Embassy in Cyprus
Metre Squared | October 8, 2023 | London, UK
Directed by
Megan Paradowski
Mamie Green
of Volta, writers
Sammy Loren
Ellington Wells
reimagine Euripides’ Medea, setting the iconic tragedy in LA's shimmering art world. Harpist
Melissa Achten
and composer
Eli Klausner
score the piece live as actors
Ellington Wells
(Medea), and
August Gray Gall
(Jason) split the audience in two and recount their side of the story, all while leading them through edible installations by multidisciplinary artist and chef
Heidi Ross.
Performed by dancers
Marirosa Crawford, Ryley Polak, Mamie Green,
Megan Paradowski
, SALT makes audiences question their assumpitons of right and wrong, truth and power, all while leaving everyone with conflicting conclusions about what was just witnessed.
Praise for SALT
"SALT is a true full-body experience. Jason and Medea split the audience into two, each telling their side of the story until a culminating monologue from each brings your loyalty into question. Can you blame me? they ask. Text by Wells and Sammy Loren ropes you into the conflict; it is impossible to remain impartial. Above all, the movement morphs the atmosphere into an enthralling reality, grounded in the human experience but contorted by suspicion and paranoia. Disorientation has never been more luscious." -LA Dance Chronicle
"Still, this was immersive theater at its best: In between bites of Chef Heidi’s divine dishes, the choreography and its execution seemed a perfect fit for the bare-boned space, which did happen to house several book-laden shelves." -Fjord Review
SALT at Buffer Fringe Festival
Photos by Ozan Tezvaran
SALT at Metre Squared
Photos by Mich Rose
SALT at 2220 Arts + Archives
Photos by Anya GTA
Volta for Tastemade
Promo Trailer